Redrawing GPS-recorded Journeys since 2007 as part of Tracing Mobility 2011

Sophia New and Daniel Belasco Rogers have been working together as plan b since 2002. They have made an extremely wide variety of work together, from performances in theatres, installations, work with communities, durational work, gallery work and work with media, which this site attempts to describe.

Quite a number of these artworks originate from our long-term practice of recording everywhere we go with a GPS since 2003 (Belasco Rogers) and 2007 (New), which is ongoing and as far as we know, unique in its duration and scope. This aspect of our creative output has been featured in magazine articles, publications, PhD theses by others and formed the subject of Sophia’s PhD. See the publication section of our CV for details.

Before the onset of different ways to communicate, we also collected every SMS text message we sent each other, which have been exhibited publicly and formed the basis for durational performances in public space.

We are also committed to Free and Open Source Software and operating systems, having used GNU/Linux exclusively for all our art work for the last decade. Because we knew the value of personal data since starting our GPS collection practice in the early 2000s, you won’t find us on social media platforms.

Join our (low volume) mailing list by writing to us at and we’ll sign you up!

  • GPS drawing
  • Installation View of The Re-drawing of Everywhere We’ve Been in Berlin Since 2007 and The printing of every text message we sent each other since 2007 photo: Manuel Reinartz
    Tracing Mobility
  • The Day the Books Took Off
  • How to Keep Talking...
  • Daniel Belasco Rogers All Journeys in Berlin 2004 Akademie Installation Photo: Timo Ohler
    GPS prints
  • MySpace-YourSpace-OurSpace
  • The Hidden Choreography of the Everyday
  • Call Out Wittenberge
  • Five Years of Coming Home (2012) Photo: Belasco New
    4 years of coming home
  • Into the Light of the Night
  • Bed Full Of Song
  • Top of Knotted Time data rug
    Knotted Time